Crucial elements of a good website

Crucial elements of a good website
In today’s digitized era, if you are a budding entrepreneur, working for a marketing firm, or in the field of designing, you already know how important a good website is. The website that describes your company, services, or products, must be appealing while simultaneously being capable of attracting more customers and making more conversions. Your website must also be constantly updated with new features.

Here are some basic elements of a webpage that you need to list down if you want your customers to return to your site!

Easy Navigation & User Experience

When customers visit your website, they should be able to navigate easily between pages with minimal effort. The user-friendly experience helps customers find the desired information quickly and keeps them engaged. Interactive menu links, unique visual designs, menu icons, using breadcrumbs, location indicators, and more allows the customers to browse through your website freely and keeps them engaged for longer.

Social Media Integration

One of the best ways to engage with potential customers is to promote your content, products, or services through social media. Integrating your website with social media sharing links like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, allows the users to share your website content and acts as a marketing strategy for your services.

Mobile Responsiveness

A responsive website works efficiently on all desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. Navigating the website on your mobiles is more convenient than opening the desktops while on the move. Around 54% of the web traffic today is due to mobile usage. Hence, mobile-responsive websites increase conversion rates, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranking, and attract web traffic from multiple sources.

Fast Load Time

One of the major turn-offs for customers is slow landing pages. The longer you make the customer wait for the results, the quicker you lose the customer’s liability and value. Some of the ways you can speed up your website pages are by:
  • using content delivery network
  • minifying CSS and JavaScript files
  • reducing HTTP requests
  • minimizing incorporation of external scripts
  • using HTTP caching
  • avoiding redirects, if possible

Website UI Design

Another crucial factor in shifting your business online is to stand out from the crowd. One way to impress customers is to build a professional user interface design that includes a catchy layout, buttons, proper alignment, and key features like color, brightness, font-weight and size, brand consistency, etc. A good website design must be the digital face of your services and must inform the users of the system’s actions, responses, and feedback.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is an effective online marketing strategy to increase customer traffic on your website. Whenever potential customers search for services and products, SEO ensures your website content or images are ranked higher on the Search Engine Results Page (Google and Bing), thereby getting you a larger number of visitors to your website. Links, content, and page structure are the three core website elements that the search engine evaluates before ranking your pages. Google Webmaster Tools, Backlink Analysis Tool, SEO platforms are some of the top SEO tools.

Live Chat

If any customers face any issues regarding the products or services, the most dynamic way to engage with them is to chat live. Customers feel noticed and significant when you have one-on-one interaction and address their problems. This way, you build a rapport with your customers and provide them better experience and assurance with your services. The live chat option should be easily noticeable on your website, so the customer is not frustrated searching for it. Other alternatives are customer care helpline number or email.


Apart from the mentioned website element list, various other factors are equally profound. You may have a great website with the best UI-UX design and navigability. But, if there is no relevant text or image content concerning your work, it may disappoint the customers. Good language, grammar, and expert content are essential elements of a good website to attract customer’s attention. For online products, a payment gateway is the most crucial step before exit. Provide your customers with swift, efficient, and safe money transactions through multiple payment options to retain their trust.

To ensure the smooth functioning of your services, clearly state your company and customer policies in detail. It will help solve any disputes in the future and protect you legally. Choose “HTTPS” for the safe-hosting protocol of your website. In rare cases, if things go haywire, it is best to back up your website through trusted sources before you lose all the data.

Website designing and web development is a continuous process. You have to hunt for new ways to improve the website features frequently. Mastertej offers services to help you create the most beautiful websites if you are unsure of how to proceed with the design.

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